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Pod Ween Satan

Sep 20, 2023

Hello you beautiful people!  We are still busily recording the upcoming La Cucaracha season.  In the meantime we wanted to unlock one of our fan favorite Patreon Episodes.  This one sparked a lively debate in the msg boards.

The WGA/SAG strike has all of us crew members in Hollywood on our knees begging for mercy.  We originally designed the Patreon as a means to pay for the expenses of making a podcast.  Until this strike ends the Patreon Bonus Show is our sole source of income to buy food and feed the food into our fat piggy mouths.  If you've been on the fence until now use this desperate moment in film crew history to dig into the couch and retrieve 3$ in quarters to throw our way.  You get just shy of 200 episodes of PURE UNCUT GOLD.  That's right people. Gold.  For 3 Dollars.  What a deal! We love you and we appreciate the support.