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Pod Ween Satan

Jun 29, 2022

A throwback to the classico early days of Ween.  A cacophany of sounds and textures seemingly captured live (for the most part).  On an album full of tightly orchestrated bangers it's damn nice to take a little detour into browner tributaries.  

Jun 22, 2022

Jay starts off by completely dropping the ball by confusing this song with Alcan Roads.  Then Dave (being the professional broadcaster that he is) "Yes Ands" his way through it and we have a load of laughs and witty banter.  Enjoy.

Jun 15, 2022

Much PWS lore is unlocked in this episode.  Confirmation of the Satana story.  A must listen for those interested in Ween-canon....within the Ween-ouvre.  


Jun 8, 2022

And coming right off the heels of a meth fueled "It's Gonna Be A Long Night" Ween pulls the E-Brake and Tokyo Drifts the car off a cliff in slo-motion with ZOLOFT.  Don't try to get too comfy with the's gonna change at every turn of the track.

Jun 1, 2022

A Cat Fight it shall be.  Ween makes sure we wake the hell up before we start listening to Quebec.  This is not a game.  This is for reals.